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- A solid and sustainable Chigiana that offers young talents more opportunities and better perspectives.
- A dynamic and creative Chigiana, able to involve the local community while reaching a wider audience within Italy and around the world.
- A Chigiana that is a proud custodian of its history and traditions, but open and permeable to the new languages of our time.
By supporting the Accademia Chigiana, you can become a patron of the arts and enjoy all the advantages that come with your support: special updates; priority access to concerts, seminars and conferences; private visits to our collections; discounts in the shop; and many other initiatives to discover.

By contributing just € 50 you can become a Friend of the Chigiana and be the first to receive updates, special announcements and information on all of our concerts

Donations over € 250 will give you access to the “IN VERTICE” program for a more personalised and exclusive relationship with the Accademia, the maestri Chigiani, and any special events. Joining the “IN VERTICE” donor program gives you the opportunity to participate actively in the life of the academy and enjoy exclusive benefits: updates and information on all our musical and cultural events, free visits to the museum, invitations for the concert seasons, and the possibility to use the spaces and facilities of the Chigiana for private events.

Supporting the Accademia Chigiana means connecting your brand to one of the excellences of Italian culture, helping to spread and enhance the artistic and musical heritage of this prestigious institution. The Chigiana offers numerous partnership opportunities and will work with you to develop projects and customised initiatives that fit your company goals. The prestigious headquarters of the academy are also the ideal place to organise exclusive events.

The Annual Fund
All of the donations we receive contribute to the Accademia Chigiana’s Annual Fund, the “Festival of Friends” which supports our annual strategy and current goals for organic and sustainable growth. Each donor establishes a privileged relationship with our unique institution, participates in its cultural heritage, and contributes to enhance its achievement of ambitious goals.
Special Funds
For those who wish to contribute in a more individual and memorable way to the Accademia Chigiana’s activities, it is possible to allocate a donation to specific concerts, educational activities or to the conservation and restoration of our artistic heritage. You can decide to support and name a particular concert, one of our masterclasses, a prize or scholarship for our students, the restoration of an antique musical instrument or our prestigious Organ. Contact us to discuss the opportunities for a unique and unforgettable gift together.
Commemorative, Memorial and Endowed Gifts
For those who contemplate the future with generosity and altruism, a testamentary bequest is a wonderful way to contribute to the continuation of the tradition of the Accademia Chigiana. With a simple gesture today, you can guarantee the future for many young talents, making a gift of creativity and inspiration for future generations.