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Chigiana International Festival & Summer Academy 2021
Siena, July 5 – September 1, 2021
Identity and contrasts
in the music of every time and place
60 concerts, exclusive events, 18 premieres and 36 new productions:
from the Mass of the 1400s to the Sound Art of today
15 new works by international women composers
Daniele Gatti, for the 6th year at the helm of the Orchestral Conducting Course, presenting the opera L’occasione fa il ladro by Rossini, directed by Lorenzo Mariani, with the students of the conducting course and the Orchestra Senzaspine of Bologna, new ensemble in residence
Antonio Pappano conducts the Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia,
on July 16 in Piazza del campo with Ilya Gringolts violin solist
Daniele Rustioni inaugurates the Festival on July 5th conducting the ORT – Orchestra della Toscana
with Alessandro Carbonare clarinet solist
Focus on Steve Reich, 22 works by the great American composer on the bill
The Chigiana remembers Franco Battiato with L’Egitto prima delle sabbie,
one of his iconic works from the 70s, winner of the Stockhausen prize
Featured artists: Lilya Zilberstein, Salvatore Sciarrino, Patrick Gallois, David Krakauer, David Geringas, Antonio Meneses, Salvatore Accardo, Eliot Fisk, Giovanni Puddu,
Christian Schmitt, Giuseppe Ettorre, Bruno Giuranna
Special guests: Tiina Osara, Ivo Nilsson, Mathilde Barthélémy, Lucy Railton, Alessandra Novaga, Roberto Prosseda, Oscar Pizzo, Anton Gerzenberg, Quartetto Prometeo
and composers Bruno Letort, Alessandro Solbiati and Lucio Gregoretti
An expanded array of educational opportunities: 28 courses, seminars, masterclasses and workshops, 5 ensembles in residence
Landmark agreement with the University Mozarteum of Salzburg,
Baroque Music masterclasses within a new center for excellence in Early Music
Reich, Glass, Steve Coleman and Dave Holland for Chigiana Meets Siena Jazz, on August 3rd
Meeting of the network F.A.C.E. – Festival Alliance for Contemporary music in Europe
Closing concert Masters of the Baroque, Alfredo Bernardini, Florian Birsak, Marcello Gatti, Vittorio Ghielmi e Andreas Scholl, faculty of Mozarteum in Salzburg
The performances of the Festival in the most iconic places in Siena:
Piazza del Campo, Piazza Jacopo della Quercia, i Teatri di Siena, charming courtyards.
Concerts and musical appointments immersed in the intriguing areas around Siena: Basilica di San Lucchese a Poggibonsi, Cappella di Vitaleta a San Quirico d’Orcia, Pieve di Gropina a Loro Ciuffenna, Eremo di S. Leonardo a Monteriggioni, Villa Ucciano a San Rocco di Sovicille, Chiesa di Ponte allo Spino a Sovicille
Siena, 19.05.2021 – “Diverso” is the theme of the Chigiana International Festival & Summer Academy VII, that will take place from 5 July to 1 September in collaboration with the Comune di Siena. Over 60 concerts and events organised exclusively for this festival, with 18 premieres and 36 new productions.
Conceptualized by Artistic Director, Nicola Sani, the Festival includes the 90th edition of the historic Advanced-level Courses of the Chigiana Summer Academy, attended by young musical talents from over 50 countries around the world. Following a competitive application procedure the selected students have the opportunity to perform at the Chigiana alongside the great names in music today. In this unique context of great prestige, music education, production, performance and live events are united in the programming of an unrivalled Festival.
«With the VII edition of the Chigiana International Festival & Summer Academy – declares Presidente Carlo Rossi – the Accademia Chigiana in Siena continues to be one of the institutions that is unquestionably at the top of higher-level music education and concert production worldwide. In response to this difficult period, we present programming for the Festival and Summer Academy that is more extensive than ever before, with the presence of some of the most revered artists on the international scene, from Antonio Pappano to Daniele Gatti, from Lilya Zilberstein to David Krakauer, with the return of the Orchestra Nazionale di Santa Cecilia to Siena following a 12 year hiatus. The city and the surrounding area of Siena finally returns to host a wealth of cultural and entertainment initiatives spearheaded by the Festival, featuring operas, concerts, new productions, commissioned works, and the stars of music today, who will perform original programming in full compliance of the safety standards. In addition, the Festival this year will celebrate the landmark agreement with Mozarteum University Salzburg for a new center of excellence in Early Music».
«The program of events presented today by this historic musical institution is a source of pride for our administration and for the whole city, a real breath of fresh air, after a period of sacrifice and constraint – explains the Mayor of Siena, Luigi De Mossi. – As we attempt to slowly and carefully resume our daily life, what better opportunity than culture, music, and above all live-performance? For too long, these have been neglected, suspended without certainty by ministerial decrees and regulations. The concert on July 16 in Piazza del Campo is the result of a synergistic collaboration between the Municipality and the Accademia Chigiana. Professional artists from all over the world will perform in our splendid square, offering the local Sienese and tourists an evening of the highest level».
«It is truly a great pleasure for me to represent the Theatres of Siena in this moment of historic importance for the Accademia Chigiana and for the entire city, a time that signifies a new beginning for the entertainment sector, eagerly anticipated by many – recounts the Artistic Director of the Teatri di Siena, Alessandro Benvenuti – notwithstanding the uncertainties of the times, our office has kept on working. We have made ourselves available to the local entertainment world, trying to keep the passion alive for professionals living in the area. Our team offered this same collaborative spirit and enthusiasm in participating in this festival, as we wait to announce our own summer programming».
The theme of diversity – The VII edition of the Chigiana International Festival & Summer Academy is centered on multiple aspects of cultural diversity with respect to the historic, geographic, social, human, and comunicative context in which we live. The “diverse” is translated in sounds, actions, and faces coming from every era, from the 15th century of Josquin to the modern age of Steve Reich, from the Baroque of Bach to the works composed today and performed for the very first time. A festival for the discovery of “diversity” in multiple contexts: geographic and environmental, with the presentation of works by non-Europeans rarely performed in Italy, like the Ghanian composer, Fred Onovwersuoke (The new adventures of Babar, Teatro dei Rozzi, 14.07), that of inclusion and social exclusion, a theme brought to light by Alessandro Solbiati in the scenic play “Il n’est pas comme nous” (12.07), from a text by Cervantes; and again, diversity as an element of richness and innovation, and inequality/repetition as a compositional investigation within the minimalism of Steve Reich.
«This year’s edition – says Artistic Director, Nicola Sani – is an extraordinary cultural event where the themes are centered on diversity and inequality, expressed in their multiple forms in art and society. Within the program is the premiere of 15 works by 15 women composers and composer-performers coming from all over the world, from Brazil to northern Europe, and Japan; many compositions are included from living artists outside of Europe, which considerably expand the horizon of different sonic worlds; and 18 works in world premiere, and three in Italian premiere, many commissioned by the Accademia Chigiana itself. The model of the Festival is further reinforced by the extraordinary production laboratory, featuring two new ensembles in residence this year; the Orchestra Senzaspine for the Orchestral Conducting course, and the Chigiana Keyboard Ensemble, comprised of the collaborating pianists of the courses of the Summer Academy. Particular attention will be paid to international contemporary music with the presence of performers and composers from the main European festivals, members of the network F.A.C.E. – Festival Alliance for Contemporary music in Europe».
«Our greatest hope was that this edition of the Festival could definitively signify the relaunch of live performances – comments the Administrative Director, Angelo Armiento. As in the previous edition, the Chigiana will guarantee the maximum level of safety for the public, artists and students, by carefully following all applicable anti-Covid protocols as they are continuously updated. To all those passionate about music, whether they live in Siena or come from other parts of Italy and abroad, we will offer them the opportunity to attend concerts in the most intriguing locations in Siena and the province at an affordable ticket cost. This initiative is in line with our desire to ensure the accessibility of the cultural events produced by the Chigiana. In keeping with the theme of the festival, we aim to encourage “diverse” audiences: our followers who we want to continue to impress, and the listeners who remain to be converted, for whom we must work to break down social, economic and cultural barriers to engage the younger generation and all those who find it difficult, to participate in the community that unites around the beauty of music».
Inauguration – The opening of the festival, Monday July 5th in the Chiesa di Sant’Agostino, features the ORT – Orchestra della Toscana, conducted by Daniele Rustioni. The program includes the Italian premiere of Music for ensemble and orchestra di Steve Reich (1936), one of the founding fathers of American minimalism, to which a particular focus of the Festival this year is dedicated. The program is completed by the complete performance of Pulcinella by Igor’ F. Stravinskij, in occasion of the 50th anniversary of the death of the great Russian composer and the Concerto per clarinetto by Aaron Copland. Taking the stage, exceptional soloist, and world renowned clarinettist, Alessandro Carbonare.
Special event – The central event of the Chigiana International Festival 2021 is the highly anticipated symphonic concert that will take place on Friday 16 July in Piazza del Campo thanks to the close and effective collaboration between the Chigiana and the Municipality of Siena. This iconic location, one of the most beautiful and evocative squares in the world, will host the Orchestra of the National Academy of Santa Cecilia in Rome, conducted by Antonio Pappano in a magnificent and exciting program dedicated to the great 19th century repertoire, featuring the overture from Giuseppe Verdi’s “Nabucco” and Symphony n. 7 by Ludwig van Beethoven. At the heart of the program is the famous Concerto for violin and orchestra by Pëtr I. Tchaikovsky of which the interpretation is entrusted to of one of the greatest virtuosos of today, newly appointed violin teacher at the Accademia Musicale Chigiana, Russian violinist Ilya Gringolts.
Chigiana meets Siena Jazz is one of the most anticipated events of the summer bill, organized in collaboration with the Polo Musicale Senese, which unites the main musical institutions of the city of Siena. The event in Piazza Jacopo della Quercia, entitled US in TIME, is conducted by Tonino Battista and Francesco Diodati. It features the drummer Nasheet Waits, the musicians of the ensembles in residence of the Accademia Chigiana, the students and teachers of Siena Jazz and the “R. Franci” on the same stage in an electrifying program with music by Reich, Glass, Steve Coleman, Dave Holland, in addition to other African American composers who have deepened the reflection on rhythm as an identity trait of American music since the twentieth century (03.08).
ChigianaOperaLab – The Opera Laboratory led by Daniele Gatti will stage the opera by Gioachino Rossini on Friday and Saturday, 6-7 August, at the Teatro dei Rinnovati. The occasion makes the thief, with a libretto by Luigi Prividali, is based on the homonymous subject by Eugène Scribe. ChigianaOperaLab is a multidisciplinary project designed for the students of the Conducting Course, held by Daniele Gatti and Luciano Acocella, and those of the Singing Course, held by William Matteuzzi. This year, the preparation and staging of the Rossini’s opera is enriched by the collaboration of a new ensemble in residence, the Orchestra Senzaspine of Bologna, and two famous professionals in the sector: the director Lorenzo Mariani and the set designer William Orlandi. The special Gala on 8 August at the Teatro dei Rinnovati is also dedicated to opera with young talents in voice from the Accademia Chigiana accompanied on the piano by Francesco De Poli in an exciting program dedicated to the famous arias of Italian melodrama.
Mozarteum-Chigiana – An absolute novelty this year is the collaboration between the Accademia Chigiana and the Mozarteum University of Salzburg with 5 new Masterclasses entirely dedicated to Baroque music. A synergy that will culminate in the Grand Tour Barocco, closing concert of the 2021 Festival, on Wednesday 1 September in the Church of Sant’Agostino, starring Marcello Gatti, Vittorio Ghielmi Alfredo Bernardini, Florian Birsak and Andreas Scholl, from Mozarteum in Salzburg, great interpreters of musical Baroque worldwide, teaching for the first year at the Accademia Chigiana. Program featuring music by Galuppi, Haendel, Couperin and Froqueray.
«With this important agreement – underlines Artistic Director, Nicola Sani – the foundation is laid for the development of an understanding, and a new collaboration, between Siena and Salzburg, two historic European capitals of Western music, art and culture. This synergy brings the great tradition of Baroque music back to the Chigiana, where it began in 1939 with the revival of research on Vivaldi. Transmitting historical heritage through the universal language of music favors communication, cultural exchange, supports regeneration, tourism, education and social inclusion, which is also the theme of this VII Edition of the Chigiana International Festival “Diverso”. Music is a legacy to be proud of and through which to build a common development strategy for a better and sustainable future, to promote diversity and overcome discrimination. We hope that this initiative with the Mozarteum University of Salzburg will consolidate and develop in the coming years by further expanding the educational and performance opportunities, in order to be able to establish a new European Baroque center of excellence, also anchored to the Academy’s activities in the field of musicology, thanks to the increasingly consistent work to enhance its archival and book collections».
6 themed lines of programming – The program of the Chigiana International Festival & Summer Academy 2021 “Diverso” is articulated via 6 themes, with a dedicated focus on the works of one of the greatest living composers, a founder of minimalism in music: Steve Reich (1936).
1. Focus on Steve Reich – Following Kurtag, Sciarrino, Stockhausen, Xenakis and the concept project “Beyond the Silence” in 2020 – focused on the production of music and sound art in during the worldwide lockdown – this year’s festival dedicates a thematic focus to the music of Steve Reich (1936), a New York composer among the leading exponents of musical minimalism, and author of the manifesto “Music as a Gradual Process”, with which he declares his interest in perceptible creative processes, using techniques such as repetition, canon and displacement.
His production will be retraced through the performance of 22 of his most important acoustic and electronic works for soloists and ensembles. Music for ensemble and orchestra (2018), then Six pianos (1973) for six pianos, Drumming I (1971) for 8 intonate percussions, Nagoya Marimbas (1994) for two marimbas, Music for pieces of wood ( 1973) for tuned claves, Mallet Quartet (2009) for two marimbas and two vibraphones, Clapping Music (1972), Triple Quartet (1971) for 3 string quartets, Violin Phase (1967) for 4 violins, Vermont Counterpoint (1985) for 11 flutes, Piano Phase (1967) for 2 pianos, City Life (1995) and Radio Rewrite (2012) for ensemble, New York Counterpoint (1985) for 11 clarinets, Different Trains (1988) for string quartet and digital support, Cello Counterpoint (2003) for solo cello and digital support, Electric Counterpoint (1987) for 12 electric guitars, 2 x 5 (2009) for instrumental ensemble, the famous works for magnetic tape It’s gonna Rain (1965) and Come Out (1966 ) and the two iconic compositions for 4 electronic organs Four Organs and Phase patterns, both from 1970. Steve Reich will be joined by authors of minimalism and post-minimalism who have shared his compositional path or have collected his teaching, such as Philip Glass, Terry Riley, David Lang, Julia Wolfe, Graham Fitkin and others.
2. Today – The series of concerts dedicated to today’s music, full of absolute premieres and Italian premieres (18 in total) kicks off on July 8, with a concert by the new ensemble in residence formed by the master collaborators at the piano of the Chigiana Summer Academy, the Chigiana Keyboard Ensemble, with a program specially conceived for 6 pianos by living contemporary authors such as Julia Wolfe, Graham Fitkin, Kevin Volans and David Lang. On 12 July at the Teatro dei Rozzi a central event on the theme of diversity and social inclusion, to which the payoff of the festival is dedicated: the musical theater work Il n’est pas comme nous (2017) by Alessandro Solbiati based on the author’s text taken from “El retablo de las maravillas” by Miguel de Cervantes , conducted and performed by Mathilde Barthélémy, with Antonio Caggiano on percussion and the young talents of the Accademia Chigiana Leonardo Ricci violin, Alessandro Acqui viola, Erica Piccotti cello.
The Chigiana Percussion Ensemble features prominently in this edition of the Festival. On Sunday 18 July they will perform 5 different percussion works by Steve Reich, in addition to Dark full Ride by Julia Wolfe, composer who in this piece pays homage to the work of Reich. On July 19, 3 different young string quartets by Chigiana’s students for Reich’s Triple quartet take to the stage at the same time in particular the Quartet n. 1 by the American composer Elizabeth Maconchy.
In an unprecedented duo with Antonio Caggiano, trombonist Ivo Nilsson will present his Sylfer (2020) alongside works by Battistelli, Gervasoni, Scelsi and the world premiere of the composition for trombone and percussion commissioned by the Chigiana to Lucio Gregoretti (20.07).
The ContempoartEnsemble, directed by Vittorio Ceccanti, along with the Chigiana Keyboard and Percussion Ensembles in Residence, with live electronics by Alvise Vidolin and Nicola Bernardini, will perform City Life and Radio Rewrite also by Reich, in addition to the world premiere of Armilia, Mysterious underground city located at North Obscure pole by Bruno Letort, one of the best known French composers on the contemporary music scene (27.07)
For the line: Current shapes, dedicated to the new trends in experimental electronics and sound art, the Festival exclusively presents two extraordinary artists of the contemporary London scene: the guitarist Alessandra Novaga, alumna of the Accademia Chigiana, and the cellist and composer Lucy Railton (20.08).
An exceptional event, making the Chigiana International Festival 2021 even more “diverse”, will be presented on Thursday 29 July in the Church of Sant’Agostino, within the annual meeting of the network of European contemporary music festivals F.A.C.E. – Festival Alliance of Contemporary music in Europe, a group to which the leading organizations of today’s musical Europe belong, such as Ars Musica from Brussels, Acht Brücken from Cologne, Gaudeamus Muziek Week from Utrecht, Impuls from Berlin and Brandenburg, Eclat from Stuttgart, Musiques Démesurées from Clermont-Ferrand, Riverrun from Albi, Archipel from Geneva, Why Note from Dijon and many others.
The composite concert, an unmissable appointment with the new music of the international scene, includes the first ever state-of-the-art performance of the collective composition project Cadavre Exquis for string quartet, commissioned by the European network and interpreted by the Quartetto Noûs. This will be followed by 2 first Italian performances of the works Idalina for knurl, the reprogrammable cello created by the Brazilian composer and performer Rafaele Andrade, and Pièce pour piano et electronique # 1 by the Belgian composer Gilles Gobert, each of whom will also perform. The world premiere of Tendresse: ne pas tomber for string quartet and live electronics, commissioned by the Accademia Chigiana to the Belgian composer Sarah Wéry. To conclude the evening the two pieces for 3 and 4 pianos Ostinato n. 6 by Adriano Guarnieri and La navigazione notturna by Salvatore Sciarrino.
Homage to Battiato – Special evening on August 4th, with a concert dedicated to Steve Reich’s electronic music. The protagonists are “iconic” pieces of the minimalist composer’s production of the 60s and 70s, including It’s gonna Rain and Come Out for tape, and the diptych Phase patterns / Four organs for electronic organs. During the evening, tribute will be paid to Franco Battiato (1945-2021), whose death rippled through the community. La Chigiana has decided to remember the Italian composer with one of the most important works of his experimental period, L’Egitto prima delle sabbie, a piece for solo piano, composed in 1978, which was then awarded the Stockhausen Prize.
3. Legends – great international performers give life to unprecedented collaborations with programs created exclusively for the Chigiana International Festival. The Choir of the Siena Cathedral “Guido Chigi Saracini”, a vocal ensemble in residence directed by Lorenzo Donati, offers pieces by American authors, such as Virgil Thomson, Michael Tippett and Aaron Copland, who have contributed decisively to the definition of a “sound” and a national style (09.07).
The violinist Ilya Gringolts (21.07), newly appointed instructor at the Chigiana Summer Academy, presents an extraordinary program for solo violin with two world premieres commissioned by the “I&I” Foundation of Zurich to young composers of today. The pianist Roberto Prosseda returns to Chigiana with works by Schubert and Morricone and with the participation of Antonio Artese in Piano Phase by Reich (25.07).
An exceptional trio of the clarinettist David Krakauer, the cellist Clive Greensmith and the pianist Ciro Longobardi, playing together for the first time in Siena with a program of rarities: Martinů, Krakauer e Zemlinsky (26.07). The clarinettist Alessandro Carbonare dedicates a concert to the “sound” of the Americas with works by Gershwin, D’Rivera, Pascoal, Zappa, Smith and Reich performed together with Luca Cipriano and Giuseppe Muscogiuri on clarinet, Carlo Capuano on percussion, Monaldo Braconi on the piano and the students of the Clarinet course for a resounding performance of New York Counterpoint for 11 clarinets by Steve Reich (01.08).
The Quartetto Prometeo in concert with Vidolin, Bernardini and Scordato who will curate the electronic part, presents Different Trains by Reich, together with the iconic work for string quartet Black Angels by George Crumb (crucial for the theme dedicated to diversity) and the celebrated Quartetto n. 1 “Sonata a Kreutzer” by Janáček (02.08).
The great composers seen through the lens of diversity are at the center of the concert by pianist Lilya Zilberstein and cellist Antonio Meneses assisted by two students, soprano Elena Sizova and violinist Andrej Roszyk with Schumann’s Fünf Stücke im Volkston, the Sonata in C major op. 119 by Prokof’ev, and the wonderful Seven Romances on poems by Aleksandr Blok by Shostakovich (09.08).
The concert by Salvatore Accardo & Friends is dedicated to the memory of the great protagonist of Italian music Piero Farulli (1920-2012) in which – always in line with the theme of the Festival dedicated to cultural “diversity” – music by Tchaikovsky and Castelnuovo-Tedesco will be presented as part of the Farulli 100 initiative, to celebrate the centenary of the birth of the unforgettable maestro, famous violist and music organizer (18.08).
The chamber music of Niccolò Paganini and Mauro Giuliani represents the fulcrum of the concert on 22 August in which the guitarist Giovanni Puddu and the cellist David Geringas perform together for the first time, together with Chigiana alumni, Benedetta Bucci on viola and Riccardo Zamuner on the violin (22.08).
The result of careful research, the program of the great oboist Christian Schmitt, accompanied on the piano by Alessandra Gentile, offers two works by the brilliant contemporary composers Ursula Mamlok and Alyssa Morris, alongside a Sonata by Johann Sebastian Bach, introduced by Samuel Barber’s Canzonetta op. 48 and Black Anemones by Joseph Schwantner (23.08).
Violist and chamber music teacher Bruno Giuranna performs Franz Schubert’s Trio No. 1 and Richard Strauss’ Quartet in C minor op.13 together with the young and promising Trio Chagall, alumni of the Accademia Chigiana and winners of the 2020 Maniezzo Prize (24.08).
This series featuring the masters of today concludes on August 25 with David Geringas (cello) and Francesco Gesualdi (accordion) in a program ranging from the famous work of Sofia Gubajdulina “In croce” to the harmonies of Astor Piazzolla on his 100th birthday.
4. Factor – In the series of concerts “Factor” dedicated to them, the students of the Summer Academy, coming from over 50 countries, experience the excitement of debuting in Siena in a high-profile international event. Once again this year there will be three evenings dedicated to the young conductors, students of Daniele Gatti and Luciano Acocella’s course: July 31 at Siena’s Teatro dei Rinnovati, conducting the Orchestra Senzaspine of Bologna, a new formation in residence, and August 6 and 7 with two evenings dedicated to opera. In addition, on August 8 at the Teatro dei Rinnovati, there will be an Opera Gala, with the young singers accompanied on the piano by Francesco De Poli.
Beyond Mozart e Beethoven, we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the death of Russian composer Igor’ Stravinskij, which took place in New York, in 1971. This year, a new production of Gioachino Rossini’s L’occasione fa il ladro, directed by Lorenzo Mariani and with scenic design by William Orlandi, will be performed at the Teatro dei Rinnovati on Friday 6 and Saturday 7 August as part of the ChigianaOperaLab project. The Rossinian opera will be produced in collaboration with the courses of Singing of William Matteuzzi and Conducting of Daniele Gatti with the participation of the Orchestra Senzaspine and Angelo Michele Errico on fortepiano.
5. Off the Wall – The Festival is, as always, also a persuasive invitation to discover the splendid places surrounding Siena. The Hermitage of San Leonardo al Lago (13.07), along the Via Francigena among holm and oak woods and a place of pilgrimage since the 12th century, will offer an incredibly intriguing scenery for the concert of the Choir of the Siena Cathedral “Guido Chigi Saracini”, directed by Lorenzo Donati on the polyphonies of light by the Flemish composer Josquin Desprez, whose 500th anniversary will be celebrated in 2021.
The Villa di Ucciano (05.08), built at the turn of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries on the edge of the village of San Rocco a Pilli, will hosts the double bass player Giuseppe Ettorre accompanied by the pianist Pierluigi Di Tella, in an extraordinary program that pays tribute to the Italian composer and double bass player Giovanni Bottesini in the 200 years since his birth.
The Pieve di Ponte allo Spino (12.08), dedicated to Saint John the Baptist, is one of the greatest examples of Romanesque architecture in the Sienese countryside. On the evening of 12 August, it will echo with the sounds of the forest of Barrios Mangorè, the dances of Moreno Torroba, and the noises of the city of Seville recounted through the guitar of the great Eliot Fisk.
To conclude the cycle of musical encounters outside the city walls of Siena, the “Surge Aurora” concert, at dawn on Saturday 21 August in front of the facade of the Cappella di Vitaleta, from the top of the hills that draw the breathtaking panorama of the Val d’Orcia, that at the first light of dawn is enriched with an even more immense beauty. The Choir of the Cathedral of Siena “Guido Chigi Saracini” will offer pieces dedicated to the light and the rising of the sun by authors of various eras from Arvo Pärt, to the vocal lines of the Renaissance composer Vittoria Aleotti, up to the radiant dawn of James MacMillan.
Chigianaradioarte – A special section of the Festival is dedicated to Radio Art and Sound art, thanks to the multi-year collaboration between the Academy and inner room of Siena. Chigianaradioarte is the web radio active for the entire duration of the Festival non-stop, 24-7. This year the central theme of the schedule is dedicated to the relationship between sound and diversity, with a special section dedicated to the radio productions of international composers. The main Sound Art production centers in the world collaborate with Chigianaradioarte. Chigianaradioarte is also an extraordinary practical tool for the Festival, transmitting meetings, events, debates, and documents.
Summer Academy – The 90th edition of the Accademia Chigiana Higher Specialization Courses – from 5 July to 5 September 2021, in the historic Palazzo Chigi Saracini and in other interesting places in the city of Siena – presents its widest educational offer ever. 28 courses, seminars, workshops and masterclasses with today’s great Masters: Daniele Gatti (conducting master course), Luciano Acocella (1st level conducting course), Lilya Zilberstein (piano), Ilya Gringolts (violin, among the new entries this year), Salvatore Accardo (violin), Oscar Ghiglia (Guitar and chamber music), Salvatore Sciarrino (composition), Antonio Meneses and David Geringas (cello), Alessandro Carbonare (clarinet), Patrick Gallois (flute), Giovanni Puddu (guitar), Giuseppe Ettorre (double bass), Bruno Giuranna (viola and chamber music), Antonio Caggiano (percussion), Lorenzo Donati (choir conducting), William Matteuzzi (singing), Clive Greensmith (string quartet and chamber music), Christian Schmitt (oboe), Eliot Fisk (guitar), David Krakauer (clarinet and new instrumental techniques beyond genres), Alvise Vidolin and Nicola Bernardini (live electronics, sound & music computing), Stefano Battaglia (the art of improvisation). Other new entries this year are the Baroque Music masterclasses with professors Alfredo Bernardini, Florian Birsak, Marcello Gatti, Vittorio Ghielmi, Andreas Scholl – thanks to the agreement with the Mozarteum University of Salzburg. Finally, the Tell me Chigiana workshop dedicated to online music communication, coordinated by Stefano Jacoviello.
The Chigiana International Festival & Summer Academy 2021 is supported by the decisive contribution of the Monte dei Paschi di Siena Foundation, and with the support of the Ministry of Culture, the Region of Tuscany, the Municipality of Siena, the Metropolitan Opera and the Archdiocese of Siena, Colle Val d’Elsa and Montalcino, the Municipality of Sovicille, Rotary Siena East Club and Siena Rotary Club, Società Esecutori Pie Disposizioni, Associazione “Musica al Tempio” di Milano. In addition for specific projects, we thank the Comune di Monteriggioni, l’Università di Siena and l’Università per Stranieri di Siena, l’Associazione Siena Jazz, l’Istituto Superiore di Studi Musicali “Rinaldo Franci”, l’Università Mozarteum di Salisburgo, la Direzione Regionale Musei della Toscana, Inner Room Siena, l’Associazione Culturale E20 Virtus di Poggibonsi, l’Associazione “Le Dimore del Quartetto”, la Compagnia Corps Rompu, il Laboratorio SaMPL del Conservatorio di Musica “Cesare Pollini” di Padova.
Finally, we express our gratitude to the members of the Honorary Board and to all supporters of the “In Vertice” Program for their precious support given to the Academy.
The media partners of the Chigiana International Festival 2021 are RAI-radio3, Classic Voice, La Nazione QN, RadioSienaTV, Canale3, SienaNews and the Gazzetta di Siena.
Box Office and Information – Concert tickets can be purchased, starting from mid-June, online on the website and at the ticket offices of Palazzo Chigi Saracini (every day from 10 to 18.30); moreover, on the day of the concert, ticket sales will continue at the respective locations, starting two hours before the show. To allow a wide range of music lovers to return to live shows, tickets will have a unique price of 10 euros (reduced seats 5 euros); those of the “Chigiana Factor” series are all 5 euros. The concert on July 16 in Piazza del Campo and the Musical Appointments will be free admission, with reservations required and seats subject to availability.
Reductions are reserved for students, young people under 26, people over the age of 65, MIV season ticket holders of the 2020/2021 season and other affiliated bodies and institutions.
La Chigiana renews its commitment to the safety of the public, artists and staff, updating the protocols already effectively applied in 2020 according to current legislation.
For information: tel. 0577-22091 or e-mail:
Ufficio Stampa
Accademia Musicale Chigiana
Tel. 0577.22091 | Fax. 0577.220936
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Paolo Andreatta 340 5690863 | Nicoletta Tassan 348 6418066
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